Organizing Jewelry: Use Walls and Doors

Do all of your necklaces, bracelets, pins. etc.
take up a lot of room, get tangled in a drawer, go missing for months...and frustrate you while you're looking for "that" piece?
Say no more! Here are some great suggestions to keep them organized, accessible and neat with little cost involved.
Step 1:
Find all of your jewelry pieces and place them on your bed.
Sort them by material:
Step 2:
Sort by type:
Pins (They're back)
Step 3:
Look for available wall space:
Behind the bedroom door
Behind the closet door
Next to or in between the hanging sections.
Relocate a decorative picture and use that space, especially if it's a fairly narrow space.
Measure the length and width of the newly found areas.
Step 4: Choices to hang/store your jewelry, depending on the size of the space:
Hang a series of tie racks for long/short necklaces.
Hang all one material on each tie rack.
Hang by color sorting, regardless of material.
Hang a rod with shower hooks for bracelets.​
​Coordinating with necklaces of the same color
Coordinating with necklaces of the same material
Buy or make padded and covered felt boards:
These can be as long as the space you have.
If you are creative you can frame the boards.
Use stick pins, even carpentry pins to hang necklaces and bracelets.
Use "command hooks" of various sizes.
If you have the space, use metal or pressboard peg boards. They even come in white.
Buy small, inexpensive, and decorative knobs and affix them to the walls to hang bracelets or necklaces.

Contact me and together we can find solutions for your jewelry!