Organize Your Day by Making a List
Do you ever feel as if you cannot get out of your own way? That you cannot accomplish anything you had in mind to do? That you just want to scream?
I do and it's usually when my brain is feeling like Swiss cheese and everything is falling through the holes.
I have a solution that works all the time: Make a daily list and keep editing:
Making lists is a vital part of being organized and sometimes, even sane. The older I get, the more information my lists contain. Here's an example:
Joe and tell him….(That way when he picks up you won’t be embarrassed by not remembering why you called).
Mary…can she babysit tonight?
ERRANDS: Sometimes in time priority order, sometimes in geographical order.
Food shopping: (the list of what to buy is in another note on my phone).
Cleaners—pick up suit
Library-drop off books
When do you make these lists? That's up to your personal style:
I prefer to make my list before I go to sleep. That way I know that I have tomorrow in order.
This may give you nightmares, so try making your list in the morning, over coffee, or as soon as the kids are off to school, or when you get to work.
A wise word from my mom about list making:
Some years ago, when all 3 kids were still at home, giving lots of chores, etc. I was particularly frazzled…maybe even fried. I called my mom crying, “I just can’t get everything done. I try to make organized lists so that I am not helter skelter., but I just am not getting it done!” In her calm way, she said, “Hmmm, well, maybe your list is too long.”
Wouldn't it be great to get most, if not all, of your list accomplished (barring any unforeseen circumstances) and have even 5 minutes to breathe and relax?
Call me for more ideas and together we can declutter, organize and make more room in your life!
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