De-Cluttering While Saving Memories

We're all so proud of our children and grandchildren's artwork and school projects.
We hang them on the refrigerator and tape them on the wall, and often in more than one room of our home.
Here are some ideas to keep the memories yet de-clutter the mess.
Pick one area that will be for art work or reports. Make a sign over that area that designates that spot as theirs. Keep the newly created memorabilia there otherwise you will be overrun.
Swap the artwork. Museums will change their displays fairly frequently, so can we. Decide what a good length of time is to keep the same items on the wall. Then take them down and put up new art!
Ask your child or grandchild which is their absolute favorite that they would like to keep "forever". Take a photo of that item in a folder on your phone and upload it onto your computer. If you are not tech savvy, someone you know is and can show you how. Then you can discard the original. (Yes, it's hard at first but you can do it. Remember, you can access the image on your phone or cloud).
Make a photo book, such as Snapfish out of the photos. Create an album sorted by school year, or by ages of the "artist", even do one every few years, whatever suits you. You can write your own comments, the kids' comments, make the book to reflect your child's personality. One way or the other, you now have a permanent record of whatever it is you want to keep...and no clutter!
Some confessions from a former "saver": I came across some "writings" of mine when I was quite small that my mother had saved. It was wonderful looking at them remembering when I wrote my stories. I had to do the same for my 3 kids, who were young when the first "Apple" computer came out.
Each one had their own Rubbermaid bin, the long ones, into which I put art work, book reports, anything I thought they would get "a kick" out of seeing later on and showing their kids. When they were long out of the house and we were downsizing a second time to a 2 bedroom apartment I had them go through their "stuff." Guess what?! They felt no attachment to book reports and art work.
Any idea as to what they did with the few pieces that meant even a little to them? They took a photo of them with their smart phone! My children, my teachers.

Contact me and I will get you started on the right way to get organized!