4 Steps to Make Laundry Easier
Is doing laundry stressful for you?
Growing up our laundry room was my mom's "command central". It was on the lower level of our home, was equipped with a laundry shoot from the upper level's bathroom.
Mom had a keen eye and maximized every inch of that small room with shelves, a filing system and cabinetry. (Organizing is obviously genetic).
I've gone from that small laundry room to 3 of my own homes, each with larger and larger laundry rooms, and now I use the laundromat in our apartment building applying my same organizational skills.
Let's talk about four steps to make laundry easier.
Read your labels. All garments are not created equal. Divide like fabric items and colors in a separate basket or bin.If space is at a premium the floor always comes in handy.
Fold your dry laundry immediately. When the laundry is washed and dried, do not just toss it in the laundry basket and wait till you have free time to fold. It only creates wrinkled clothes and more ironing than necessary.
Sort your laundry. I use a large counter in the laundromat but a kitchen counter works, or the top of the washer-dryer, etc. according to who wears the clothing and place it in the laundry basket that way.
Make your children part of the team. All kids, young and older can help. (Of course, older kids can take their own clothes and fold them and put them away, or...perish the thought...do their own laundry).
There is always a way to make any and every chore less so, especially laundry.
Contact me I can help you with your laundry routine or anything else!